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My Shareholding

The MAAS Group Holdings Share Register is maintained by MUFG Corporate Markets. By visiting the Investor CentreOpens in new window shareholders can:

  • View their holding details
  • Register to receive annual reports electronically
  • Access and update information held by our share registry
  • View information relating to dividend and transaction history
  • Provide their tax file number or ABN
  • Download forms, change address details, update communication preferences and add or amend direct credit details.

When you visit the Investor Centre, you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity. Your SRN/HIN is available on your holding/transaction and distribution statements.

For all other questions, please contact the Share Registrar

MUFG Corporate Markets
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
P: +61 1300 554 474 (toll-free within Australia)
mpms.mufg.comOpens in new window

My Share RegistrationOpens in new window

Shareholders right to elect how and whether to receive documents

MAAS Group Holdings Limited (MAAS) gives notice to its shareholders of their right to elect to receive the following documents in physical or electronic form:

  • documents relating to a meeting or resolution of the shareholders of MAAS, such as notices of meeting or proxy forms;
  • MAAS’ annual report, including its financial report, directors’ report and auditors report (Annual Report); and
  • a notice of shareholders’ rights under s 110K of the Corporations Act (such as this notice).

Shareholders may make an election in relation to all the documents or types of documents specified above, or elect to receive certain documents in physical form and other documents in electronic form.

Additionally, shareholders may elect not to receive a copy of the Annual Report at all.

Shareholders can make an election by contacting MUFG Corporate Markets Services on 1300 554 474 or log in to the Investor Centre page and use the communication tab in MUFG Corporate Markets ServicesOpens in new window website.